Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween: Is the real trick on the Christians?

So lately I've been thinking a lot about Halloween... Ya know, the big and evil day that a lot of Christians (particularly the older generation) seem to belittle so much. I began to research and think more about it... From the origins of Halloween to the stance that the Church has on Halloween, and I began to wonder why.

I know the whole "demonic activity and a night for Wiccans to do all the stuff that Wiccans do" statements, but I began to wonder, what about the rest of the people? I mean, most conservative belivers (and the church) do not recognize Halloween or embrace it because of what it represents, but yet in a way, we sort of do. So is the trick really on us?

I mean, we talk down about Halloween and warn people against it, but yet we throw a big celebration where we tell people to come, dress up, and get candy. Isn't that really what Halloween, for the overwhelmingly majority of people, really all about? Dressing up in costumes, getting candy, and having fun?

I feel it is a little hypocritical of believers (and the church) to speak so harshly about Halloween, and yet have a Halloween celebration (only we won't call it a Halloween celebration, will we?). It's kind of like the phrase, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it's a duck. So what is the proper response for the believer? To not have anything, and stay locked up in our home with our lights off so nobody comes to our door? Or do we have an intense prayer night? Or do we maybe admit that we've made a bigger deal of Halloween all these years?

I would love to hear other people's thoughts on this, as I've been mulling over this for weeks now.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What do you mean you've never heard of that?!?

Alright, so first off... I've been MIA for a little over a month now, and I apologize! I've been so wrapped up with school and work and other things, that I have neglected all my blogger fans out there (all 3 of you!). But now I'm coming back with reckless abandon, so be prepared!

Alright, so here's my random story of the day... So a few weeks ago, I am speaking to my youth group, and I forget exactly what I was speaking about, I think it was on being transparent... anyways, that's neither here nor there... So I am talking and I mention the phrase "Charlie Church", and everybody looked at me like I was crazy... Needless to say, I was dumbfounded... I couldn't believe that nobody had ever heard the phrase of someone being "Charlie Church!"

My question to you all out there in blogger land is this, what phrases or sayings do you have that aren't as widespread as you would of guessed?